Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day Snow Storm

Yep, you read it right.....we had about 6 inches of snow for Mother's Day.  My son is in Phoenix and my daughter lives in Wyoming, so I spent the day with hubby and my oldest granddaughter, Skylar.  It was kinda nice just to kick back and let them wait on me.

I love this time of year, sans the snow of course.  I have been working in the garden when weather permits.  Gardening at 9000 ft elevation is a bit different than in most places.  We do well with root crops, peas, rhubarb, and plants in the cabbage family.  But our freezes last longer and our night time temps never do much for tender crops like tomatoes and peppers.  Hubby and I put up an 8 foot fence this year, since last year, the deer ate most everything, even my onions.  Hopefully it helps.  We are also experimenting with a small raised bed.  I had two greenhouses at my last home, so I could really prolong my season, but not here.

I spent three days helping my son move.....never fun.  And they are moving further away which makes me sad.

I have also been crafting.  And going to yard sales.  I love buying things at sales and reinventing them into sale-able merchandise.  Here are a few of the things I have been working on:
I got these little rusty bears in with the stuff I bought from Jean.  I wasn't sure what to do with them, but they look really cute as clocks.

I bought several of these sleds, unpainted after Christmas at 80% off.  I simply free handed the snowman, flakes and wording.  

 The same basic snowman was freehanded onto these rusty watering cans that I also got from Jean.....part of the $100 purchase.
 I didn't know what to do with these itty bitty buckets.  I asked Skylar and this is what she came up with.  Really cute....and great for a 15 year old, huh?
I found two of these pitchers at a yard sale for fifty cents each.  I had purchased a couple of trees after Christmas and simply added ribbon, lights and a rusty angel on top.  If this doesn't sell, I know just where I will put it in my kitchen.
Well, its off to do laundry and clean up my kitchen. I have a couple more yard sale remakes that I am working on.......and did I tell you?????   My sis and I are attending the worlds largest yard sale in August, the 127 sale......I am so excited!!!!  Just think of the possibilities.............