Thursday, February 9, 2023

Time to Clean the Craft Room!

 When I started the year, I made a pledge to do my best to do five things every day:

1. Write.  Doesn't matter if it is in my journal, on one of my blogs, or doinglisting some freelance writing for a company that I work for.  But I try to do something every day where I put words to paper (or laptop).  

2.  Be creative.  This can be making something, like a craft, decorating cookies, or even list something on Etsy.  Just something that does something for me that gets that creative gene in gear.  Too often I get so busy doing what I must and not what I like.

3.  Do something to make my home better.  I hate housework.  It is one of those things I must do, not one that I like to do or want to do.  It's gotta be something that is above and beyond the do the dishes, do the laundry day-to-day stuff.  Like sorting and cleaning the dresser or the closet, etc.

4. Say or do something nice every day. You know, like send a card to someone, give a compliment, make someone feel good.  This is harder for me to do since without working outside the home and no kids at home, my world has gotten pretty small.

5.  Thank God for my blessings.  Say a prayer.  Be grateful.  This is easy for me since I speak with God a lot.  I ask for guidance and thank Him for my blessings.

Anyway, today, I want to concentrate on #3.  My craft room is a disaster.  It is the place where whatever I don't want to deal with gets stashed.  Like, totes of Christmas decorations are still piled up in there waiting to go into storage.  So today I thought I would tackle my fabric hoard.

I love fabric.  I love quilts and toys and dolls, and all the pretties that come from fabric.  For that reason, I have a lot.  I buy it on sale.  I buy it at yard sales.  I have people give it to me.  I have a lot!  

My sister gave me some IKEA type cubbies and I thought it would be perfect for storing those itty bits of material that I save for....someday.  I tried it but it just looked so messy. 

It was a great idea to keep like colors together but they ended up getting all wadded up in the cubby.  So I measured the cubbies and cut cardboard a little smaller than the size of each cubby.  (A USPS box flaps were the perfect size.)

Then I cut cardboard to size and wrapped pieces around it, tucking in the pieces that are odd shaped.  
Then I just pinned the fabric in place.  
Look how much better it looks!

Got lots more to do but I am loving the way it is looking.  What are your ideas for storage?