Monday, July 30, 2012

Hey! Pumpkin Head!

I told you that I was going to tell you how to make these easy-breezy-lemon-squeezy little pumpkins.  So listen up.  You don't even have to get out your sewing machine.  I did all of these in about an hour and a half, that's one and a half episodes of Martha Stewart, y'all.
Okay, so here goes.  Cut out a circle of fabric.  No matter what size circle you cut, you are going to get a pumpkin about half the size.  I had this shiny orange fabric that I bought on clearance when WalMart was closing out their fabric department so I got it REALLY CHEAP!  So trace out a circle.  I used an embroidery hoop but you could use a plate, or a lid, or whatever.

Then you want to take a running stitch around the perimeter of the circle.  Turn it under as you go, so there will be a nice hemmed edge.  Hint:  I use hand embroidery thread, it's just a little stronger than regular cotton thread.  If you use a heavier fabric such as burlap, you might use a jute or even a dental floss. 
Pull your thread tight, gathering around.  Stuff firmly but not too tightly with fiberfill and anchor stitching by back stitching.  Its okay if a little hole is at the top.

Now you  need to cut three pieces of ribbon.  The length is going to vary, depending on the size of your pumpkin.  Here's what I did:  I measured double the diameter of the embroidery hoop that I used and it worked out just fine.  Fold the three pieces of ribbon in half and tie a knot there.  That knot will be the center of the bottom.  I used a pin to hold it in place until I was finished tying it on top. 
 Take the opposite ends of ribbon and pull tightly around the top of the pumpkin and tie in a knot.  Do this three times, dividing it into approximate sixths.  The bottom will look similar to the above picture. 
This is what the top will look like.  Then just finish it off.  I gathered up some small sticks from the yard and made stems, simply by breaking them into 2 inch pieces and gluing them on top.  Just push it down in that little hole that is up there.  Then add whatever garnishments you like.  I put a bit of moss around the stems and glued on a fall colored leaf.  I also used the blade of my scissors to curl the organza ribbon that I used.  (Some ribbon does not curl well so you can either leave it straight or cut it off)  Voila!  You have cute little pumpkin to add to your centerpiece, trim a wreath, or fill a cubby or bowl
 Hope you got all that!  Even little Angel was studying up on this!  lol

 Try this out and get a bit creative!  You can use gingham fabric, and maybe use jute instead of ribbon and trim with a rusty bell.  Make some smaller, some larger, and fill a washtub with them on the front porch.  Tie a tag on them for placeholders. 

More later, my bloggie friends.....

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