Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What 'cha workin' on Wednesday

Well, you know how I love could spend days there, just looking around, getting ideas....Well, anyway, I found these cute little ornies that I'm calling Away in the Manger.  I made a few changes, just to make it my own, and if you want to make them, you could do the same.
Here is what you need to make these:  mini grapevine wreath, wire, some kind of trim (I used a little wooden star) a head or a small ball, some fleece, and some straw or moss or excelsior.  I also used some card stock to put under the wreath to keep everything from falling through.

Cut your cardstock by making a circle about the size of the wreath.  I traced a jar lid and it was perfect.  Take your felt or fleece (or even flannel will work) and cut it into 2 1/2" squares. 

Cut one of the squares in half and roll it up for the body.  A spot of glue will hold it in place.  Then glue on the cardstock to the bottom of the wreath.  Just kinda look to see which side is flatter and use it.  This is something that I decided to add.  The ones I saw on Pinterest didn't use this but they used alot more excelsior and, its just me, but I thought it looked a little sloppy.

Press the card stock down firmly and turn it over and let it dry, wreath side up.

 Now you want to make your baby Jesus.  I showed you how to make the body by rolling up the fleece.  Glue on the head.  I just happened to have these little heads in my stash.  If you don't, or if you think they look  a little creepy, make your own.  A flat-sided ball, or a half ball will do the trick.  Just paint them with some flesh toned paint and add dots for eyes.

Lay the baby on the  fleece as shown above, and wrap him burrito style in the fleece.  Glue some moss or excelsior to the dried wreath and add in baby Jesus.  (You will want to glue him down)  Cut some wire for the hanger.  I used about a 10" piece of black wire but you can make it longer if you want more little curls on it.  I secured mine to the wreath and then curled it by wrapping it around a crochet hook.  I glued it on and there you have it, your Away in a Manger ornament. 

Again, make this your own.  I had to glue a bit of the fleece to the top of the head because there was a hole in it.  You could paint on a little bit of hair.  You can use some straw to fill in the "manger".  You could wrap the baby in homespun.  Instead of black wire, you could use rusty wire.  Instead of a star, you could glue on a heart, or put on a tag. 


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