Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday Tips

One thing that most true crafters, artisans, and designers have in common is that we HATE to throw things away.  If something is salvageable, we try to recycle or upcycle everything that we can.  Such is the case of the SCARY elf head ornaments.   Like something from a Stephen King novel, I had these oversized, ugly ornaments that I purchased at a greatly discounted price some years ago.  Needless to say, though I tried to sell them for several years, I never sold a one.  Why?  Because, (see prior sentence), they are ugly and oversized.  But I hate to toss them......so.....
I took three of the heads, (I have 6: two red, one green, and three blue) and turned them into a garland. 
I think they will be cute on a fireplace mantle or even swagged over a window.  So, see, just open your mind a bit and try some new things.

Another thing that I did is the cutest thing from Sunflowerfriends.com.  I think these will be a great seller at my shows this year:
This is simply a new cookie cutter in a bag ( I used a 4x6 bag) with a hang tag or topper stapled on.  The front says "Cookie Cutter for You"  with cute graphics and the back reads:  I made a plate of cookies and just ate one or two,  But I started feeling guilty 'Cause they were for you.  I went into a panic...ran out to the store And bought this brand new cookie cutter so you can make some more!
These would be great for secret santa gifts, stocking stuffers, or for a co-worker or book club member.  Check out Sunflower Friends.  She has great graphics for other things as well.  Her prices are great and she has always been helpful when I have had questions. 
Well, my bloggie friends, I am off to create more havoc in the studio.  My granddaughter has a volleyball game this afternoon, so I had better get busy.

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