Friday, October 26, 2012

A Whole Week has Gone by..........

So, I know I haven't posted for a while, in fact for a whole week.  I really don't know how I survived all those years, with kids, a job, and all this stuff.  Anyway....On Monday, I had to unload my car from my show at Dakota Ridge.  The show, on Saturday and Sunday, was really a good one for me and I will put it on my list of shows to do again next year.  As I unloaded my car, I kept hearing this loud meowing.  We don't have a cat, so I thought maybe there was a cat that was stuck or injured.  I looked all over and finally found a tiny kitten stuck in a corner where our garage meets our house.  I bent down to pick it up and it hissed loudly at me and went on the attack.  So, not knowing if the kitten was ill, I got it some milk and left it alone for its mama to come and rescue it.  That didn't happen.  When my husband came home, I told him about it and he put on his leather gloves and picked it up.  We kept it inside in a dog kennel for the night, not wanting it to be dinner for a fox or coyote.
You can see how tiny it is....Anyway, that was Monday and today is Friday and the kitten has become part of the family.  It follows me around, uses the litter box, and torments the dogs.
On Tuesday, I made the trip to take my products to Christmas in the Country, held in a log house north of Cheyenne, Wy.  I had been recruited at the Greeley show and was very intrigued.  If you live in this area, it is well worth your while to make the trip.  The show lasts for 11 days and lunch is available.  Here are a couple of the items that I purchased for myself:
It snowed here on Wednesday and Thursday nights.  It was in the single digits so this morning, I went out to make sure the chicken waterers were not frozen.  Just had to put on my special all weather boots:
In the middle of all this, I finished a couple more crescent Santas, many more Reindeer Food, Hot cocoa packets, Snowman poop, Lucky pennies, and Prayer rocks.  I also made another Christmas angel and four more of the bobble heads:
I kinda like the ones with their scarves pulled  up on their faces, do you???
Well, I have to run a couple of errands, then load my car, then set up tonight.  My granddaughter, Skylar, is coming along to help me tomorrow.  If you are looking for some great gifts, come by and see us at Conifer High School tomorrow from 9-4. 

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