Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What 'ch workin' on Wednesday???

Candles!  This is what they looked like before the makeover:

These are the cheapo plastic candlesticks and tea light that you can pick up for next to nothing.  I got the tea lights at the dollar store and the candlesticks (they came with the light bulbs) in the package at Goodwill, two candlesticks for $1. 

Look how they turned out!

You can do this too.  Here is what I did.  I dipped the bulbs in tinted silicone and let dry overnight.  (see prior post for how-to)  Then I took apart the base and the candlestick.  The white candlestick part was coated with ModPodge.  Then I rolled it in cinnamon.  I put about three coats on.  Then I finished it up with a light coat of modpodge.  Don't put it on too heavily or it may not dry clear.
The metallic base was painted with flat black.  I used an acrylic craft paint, but you could spray it on if you want.  I gave it about two coats and then I mixed some cinnamon in with the black paint so it adds some texture.  Some people might use coffee grounds for this, but I love the cinnamon smell and it is easy to work with. 
Once everything is dry (try to let it set overnight....I know, I know...I was anxious too) and then assemble.  I finished it off with a homespun bow and a little rusty star.
The tea lights are easy too.  Here is a how to:
First, and this is really important:  Cover the little light on the top with tape.  I couldn't find my painter's tape.....tho hubby says he didn't take I used cellophane tape.  It was a little hard to get off, so next time, I will press a bit harder on the location of the tape.  The tea lights were about the same procedure, though I added cinnamon to the modpodge for the last coat to get some wax-like clumps.  Finish with a light coat of modpodge just to seal it.  I did not do this on the bottom because you have to turn it on and off there.
When they are all dry trim in whatever you have on hand.  I used ribbon on a couple, raffia on one.  Then I used a bell, a button, and a rusty star to finish them off.

I love the way these turned out so I will be making so many more.  These will sell really well at shows!  Hope you like them too!

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