Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What 'cha workin' on Wednesday???

After making the first snowmen out of ping pong balls from the dollar store, I knew I had to make more.  I just know that these will be great sellers this year at my shows.  So when I was at the dollar store a couple of weeks ago, I bought up 10 packages of 8.  I bought 5 packages of the small hooks at Walmart at $.97 each.  I also bought 5 packages of ribbon at Hobby Lobby, on sale for $1 ea.  Total cost: $20.  This will make 80 ornaments at a total cost of $.25 ea.  I will sell them for $1, a great bargain for the customer, a good profit for me.

Now the trick to doing this many of anything is to do them production line style.  First I attached all the hangers.  Next the ribbon.  Then to paint the faces, with this many, you have to be able to hang them up to dry.  I paint eyes on all first....then all the noses....then the mouths, and finally I blush them.  So here is what the craft room looks like, in process:
I simply stick dowels in the paint caddy and slide them on to dry.  You could use a wire or clothesline and hold in place with clothespins, safety pins, or binder clips.  This prevents bleed over from the paint and speeds up the drying process. 

So, try a production line for your next project.  You will save so much time!

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