Monday, August 1, 2022

What to do with too much cabbage

 As the garden gets in full swing of producing all the tomatoes and zucchini I can handle, I took a peek at my beginning-to-suffer cabbages. I love cabbage: cooked, fried, in soups, and in slaw. But to tell you the truth, I needed a way to “get back to ya later”. So I decided to use my mom’s old standby-Freezer slaw. 

Making it is easy. Simply shred one head of cabbage as you would for making slaw. Add a carrot or two and a green pepper.  I had an orange one so I used that. Add a whole onion and just for fun I added a jalapeño that I just picked from the garden. I used a food processor and put the veggies in a big bowl and salted it down and set it aside. 

Next mix the dressing. Combine 2cups of sugar, one teaspoon of dry mustard, 1 cup of vinegar and a half cup of water in a saucepan simmer until boiling.  Remove from heat and cool completely  

While waiting for your dressing to cook prepare your containers  I used pint mason jars but you can use freezer bags or other sealed containers  

For me, it yielded about five pints. Label and place in the freezer. 

Okay so when I said food processor, this is what I meant. I have had this at least 30 years and my kids tease me about it. But, hey, if it ain’t broken…

My mom made this all the time and it is a great way to add some greens to a meal when the cupboards are bare!  Just thaw and eat!  Yum!

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